Apology Rituals: Powerful Ways to Say Sorry

Strong rituals to make someone get on his or her knees and apologize. Baba Dodu is here to help with the apology rituals, spells and chants

Apology rituals. For a person to gain one’s trust is a long process, it takes a long time and patience. But once that trust is broken, rebuilding it is 10 times harder. Trustworthy people are hard to come by nowadays because everyone has a price. Someone can betray you for anything valuable like money, power, position, or even love.

Life nowadays is full of betrayal, it’s funny that some may have a lot to gain like financially whereas others may have a lot to lose.  Most people betray you intentionally knowing that they can do away with it and there is nothing you can do about it.

This ends up creating a deep wound in your heart feeling depressed and full of sorrow and anguish. Sometimes to make the situation worse, the one who has hurt/ betrayed you is of a higher class or more powerful.

Well, you also have the power to make them apologize and bring them to their knees however big or powerful they may be.

Powerful apology rituals to make someone regret hurting you.

Due to people’s busy schedules nowadays, it’s difficult for someone to think about the negative effects of what he or she is doing. The tendency to care tends to disappear as long as what he or she is doing is of benefit to them.

When people are in love, the trust they have for one another is enormous because no one dears to think of disappointing the other. But unfortunately, the trust break may be due to issues like cheating or maybe money issues and he or she leaves you without even an apology.

There are forces in the universe that can control a person, and make them come back to you crying and begging for your forgiveness. And it will be up to you to decide the conditions of their forgiveness.

You should know that these apology rituals are very powerful to the extent that the one who hurt you will be willing to do anything to be forgiven

Get the apology rituals to make someone regret hurting by Baba Dodu.

Strong rituals to make someone get on his or her knees and apologize

Strong rituals to make someone get on his or her knees and apologize. Baba Dodu is here to help with the apology rituals, spells and chantsNothing in this world is painful like someone hurting you deeply and yet he/ she is out there living his or her life like nothing happened. This is where anger and agony kill you slowly.

Get closure with the powerful apology rituals and make the person who hurt you to get on their knees crying and begging for your forgiveness while drowning in guilt.

Remember that no matter someone’s class, status, or even position, these rituals work. Though it will be or look embarrassing for a person of a higher class or one older than you to be on their knees apologizing. Picture the satisfaction and closure you will get.

These rituals also make your target’s hearts calm so that you are able to make them do anything you tell them to for your own satisfaction.

Working rituals to make someone realize your importance

The time comes when you get tired of people toying with your emotions and always breaking your heart. Often people take you for granted, thinking that there is nothing you can do.

It’s high time you said enough is enough because Baba Dodu is here to help you. Make that person realize your importance in their lives with powerful rituals and charms.

Most of the time you are rejected and betrayed by your loved ones or even family making you look very useless in society. Baba Dodu can help you. Get apology rituals and make them see how important you are.

Requirements for these apology rituals and chants

You can provide one of the following

  • Your targets voice recording or photos (work online)
  • Your targets hair, nails, and candles (when you come to my shrine)

Caution; after these rituals are conducted and you have gotten the closure and satisfaction you need. Please move on with your life to avoid the side effects of the apology rituals (anger, depression, unhappiness, and agony among others)


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